Araneus marmoreus, The marbled orb weaver is a colorful orb weaver species. Due to its orange color, it is sometimes also referred to as pumpkin spider. The marbled orb weaver can be found throughout the east of the United States and in Canada.
Marbled orb weaver description
The Marbled Orb Weaver can have several appearances. The coloring can be a bright orange, a mixture of lighter orange and beige, bright yellow with black, pale yellow and black, cream, to brown to even red.

Due to the sometimes bright orange abdomens that it received its nickname as the Pumpkin Spider. Another attributing factor for their nickname is the fact that they are most often seen in the fall time when pumpkins become popular. As the Fall sets in, their abdomens will enlarge, making them much more noticeable.

Usually, mixed within the patterns on its abdomen, are two swirling darker stripes that run side by side down the middle. It is almost wrong to call them stripes because of how much they swirl, and often even touch each other. These patterns give the abdomen a marbled like appearance.
Female marbled orb weavers can reach a size of up to one inch (24 mm).
Like any orb weaver, the marbled orb weaver spins large webs to catch small flying insects. The spider rests in its web and feels the vibrations once a prey hits the web.
As is true for any orb weaver, the bite of the marbled orb weaver is not dangerous for humans. It may cause similar symptoms like a bee sting at worst.
Araneus marmoreus scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Chelicerata
- Class: Arachnida
- Order: Araneae
- Infraorder: Araneomorphae
- Family: Aranidae
- Genus: Araneus
- Species: Araneus marmoreus
Distribution of the marbled orb weaver in the USA
The marbled orb weaver can be found all over the Northern United States from Coast to Coast, including Alaska. It ranges from Oregon down to Texas and the east coast from there. It hasn’t been sighted in Florida, however. That means that it can be found in the following states: Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
This spider was outside of the kitchen window in Williamsburg, VA. It’s really beautiful! What is it??
Hello Jim,
Beautiful shot! This is a marbles orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus):
I’ve used your great picture in our post.
Body between .5 and 1 inch long, yellow abdomen and creamy salmon/orange thorax/head. Striped legs. Had a kinda circular web.
Hello Anne, thanks for getting in touch! Would you mind sharing where you found this spider?
This is most certainly a male marbled orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus). Here is an image of a very similar-looking fellow:
And here is our overview for Araneus marmoreus:
Found in Barnegat Light NJ spider is more green in color than it appears in photo
Hello Lou, thanks for getting in touch. The colors look a bit interesting, indeed. The pattern looks like a marbled orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus). Here is an image with a very similar pattern:
Here is our overview for the marbled orb weaver:
Was it that spider?
My grandparents live in Anchorage, AK and have had this spider living in their doorway for a while. I haven’t been able to find a match to it anywhere, but I suspect it might be an orb weaver of some kind.
Hi Merritt, you are right, this is a female orb weaver. It took me a little time to figure out which one it is since the color pattern is quite unique. I am fairly certain that this is a marbled orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus). It is usually orange or yellow but sometimes also black and white like the one your grandparents found. Here is a similar looking lady:
I found this spider on my back porch in Wasilla Alaska. I am new to Alaska and have never seen anything like this before. He is extremely fast. Has a web and only came out when a fly got stuck. I found him after he wrapped the fly. I was trying to get pictures but he unhooked his dinner and took it back to his crack in the window seal. One side had a huge black dot and his other side had a different marking. Please help.. Thanks.
Hello Jodi, thanks for getting in touch! This is a marbled orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus):
It’s not a medically significant spider.
Found on the side of my house near Meadow Lakes, Alaska. Round tannish body with markings and four indentations on top, also legs have dark brown and off white alternating segments.
Hello Kym, thanks for getting in touch! This is an orbweaver in the genus Araneus. Most likely a marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
I found this fella outside my firehouse tonight. Not sure if it’s an orb or furrow of some sort. About a 3/4-1” spider. Good sized web about 2’ tall and 18” wide spanning the gap between the building and parking Ballard
Hi Erik, this is definitely some type of orbweaver. Can you share your location to help with identification?
A neighbor and I found this yellowish and black spider in Palmer, Alaska.
Hello Laurie, thanks for getting in touch! It’s a bit hard to make a confident ID off this pic alone but this is most likely a female marbled orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Web in a road sign near Manistee Michigan
Please identify this spider.
Thank you!
Hello Kathleen, thanks for sharing this great shot! This is a beuatiful female marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Seen with web on screen house structure Deep River, Conn 10/2/2021
Hello Lori, thanks for getting in touch! This is a beautiful femal marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
This Araneus so. (Marbled Orb Weaver?) changed its color to blue to match the disassembled blue hot tub where it made its home!
Kelso, WA, September 28, 2021.
This is beautiful! I had no idea they could do that!
Hello, my wife picked this up off the ground bc she thought it was a berry. When it moved in her hands she screamed and threw it down. I got a good laugh! I picked it up and put it in a safer area.
Hi, hope you’re doing great. My name is Laura Brambila and was just curious if Marbeled Orb spiders have ever been spotted in CA. Tha k you, just asking for a friend. Hope to here from you soon.
Warm regards,
P.s my phone will not allow me to download the pic but have one saved for you. Thank you!
My 6 year old son and I were on our way to a ground blind in the woods to do some hunting and not 5 feet from our blind was this spider. I thought it was interesting enough to research this spider so I found out that it is the marbled orb spider.
What kind of spider is this? Is it poisonous? After I killed it an orange liquid came out. Were these eggs? If not why was the body so big and fat?
Why did you kill him? Spiders are very beneficial for environment.
I hope you’ve learned by now that these are not dangerous in any way. That was a female (the females are always a lot bigger than the males), but I think they’re always pretty hefty even if they aren’t pregnant.
Please don’t kill them, though; they’re beautiful creatures just trying to get by, which is probably exhausting as it is, with all of that junk in the trunk.
If you see one in the road, I would suggest gently moving her to a safer location 🙂
Hi! Just found one in California! I noticed California isn’t on your list of places they are found.
We saw this pumpkin spider yesterday on our fall walk!
A third spider in the Tuscaloosa Alabama area. Really enjoy identifying them with your site!
Hello Dane, thanks for getting in touch! This is a marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Brown – Orange body, orange legs with black/white stripes
Located in Roswell Georgia
My name is Dmyer
Hello Dmyer, thanks for getting in touch! This is most likely a marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Is this a marbled orb? Found in southern middle TN. I also have a video.
Found in Alabama
Hi Gayle, this is a beautiful marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Almost walked into this hanging from my garage. About as big as a quarter curled up like that. What is this?
Hi Josh, this is a male marbled orb weaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Greetings and thank you for such a helpful site. Is this a marbled orb weaver? It was on my front door so I relocated it to lovely shrub near garage. 2 hours later it’s back on the front door. Here in Oregon it’s in 40s and pouring rain. The orb spider is currently on my counter in container with leaves, but I don’t know where I can help her relocate to- where hopefully she doesn’t keep trying to become an indoor spider. Suggestions?
Spotted this spider in Dillard, Georgia
I thought she was beautiful!!
Hello Dana, this is a marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
Is this an orbweaver spider? If so, what family; if not, what kind of spider is it? It was hanging by a single web-thread on a sliding-door rail outside the basement of my home in northern Virginia on 11 November 2022. Seemed not to be enjoying the fall weather that was spiced by desultory remnants of Hurricane Nicole.
Second picture of suspected orbweaver in northern Virginia.
Hello Peter, this is a marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
This spider was seen by a friend, who was deer hunting in Urich, Missouri, about two weeks ago.
Please identify it. Thanks!
Hello Doris, this is a marbled orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus):
I’m a mail carrier in Brandon, MS. I found this beauty in a mail box while delivering. This is the first time I’ve ever seen one. The colors are so vibrant. I left him chillin in the mailbox.
I’m in RI and this little guy appeared in the rafters of our deck cover. After a little searching I’m inclined to ID as a Marbled Orb Weaver (Araneus marmoreus) but, it’s web is more cob-like than orb and it seems to hang in the middle as opposed the edge. What do you think?
Found this massive spider – what is it?
Found during a 7 hour hike in the National Forest around the “Road to Nowhere” area.
I found this beautiful girl on my bike ride last week near Palmer, Alaska. It was only the end of May, so she’s still small (maybe a little bit bigger than a pencil eraser), but I was wondering what type of orb weaver she is. Unfortunately my phone was dying, so I couldn’t get any other/better pictures.
The top of her abdomen was white in the middle, surrounded by a blend from yellow to orange, her legs were bright orange and clearish, and the underside of her abdomen had some bright green that sort of faded into dark green.
She’s the most beautiful spider I’ve ever seen, but unfortunately I lost her 🙁
Saw this guy while hiking the Chickamauga Battlefield in northern Georgia today.