Alaska is the northernmost and coldest U.S. State. Many people ask themselves the questions “Are there spiders in Alaska?”. And the answer is yes. There are several spiders in Alaska that appear mostly in the warmer months. This page provides an overview of all common spiders in Alaska and answers some frequently asked questions.
While almost all spiders in the world are venomous (not poisonous), only very few are considered medically significant. In the United States, the only medically significant species are black widows and brown recluse spiders. Brown recluse spiders and black widows do not occur in Alaska – so there are no dangerous spiders in Alaska.
There are several big spiders in Alaska. The biggest spiders in Alaska are fishing spiders (Dolomedes sp.) that reach a maximum leg span of over 3 in (8 mm). Some wolf spiders (Lycosidae) can also reach a similar size.
The most commonly seen house spiders are cobweb spiders (Steatoda borealis and grossa), hacklemsh weavers (Callobius pictus) and jumping spiders.
Spiders in Alaska
The most commonly seen spiders in Alaska are orb weavers. Orb weavers come in a variety of shapes and colors but they all spin round orb-shaped webs. They are especially common in late summer. Orb weavers are harmless spiders. Some spiders that are known to bite that also occur on Alaska are yellow sac spiders. You can see pictures of Alaska spiders here:

Argiope Aurantia – Black and Yellow Garden Spider

Argiope Trifasciata – Banded Garden Spider

Araneus Gemmoides – Cat-Faced Spider or Jewel Spider

Parasteatoda tepidariorum – The Common House Spider

Phidippus audax – Daring Jumping Spider

Pholcidae – Daddy Long-Legs or Cellar Spider

Dolomedes – Fishing Spider

Misumena – Flower Crab Spider

Larinioides Cornutus – Furrow Spider

Agelenopsis – American Grass Spider

Xysticus – Ground Crab Spider

Clubiona – Leaf-Curling Sac Spider


Castianeira Descripta – Red-Spotted Ant Mimic Spider

Steatoda Bipunctata – Rabbit Hutch Spider

Steatoda Triangulosa – Triangulate Cobweb Spider

Lycosidae – Wolf Spider

Cheiracanthium Mildei – Northern Yellow Sac Spider

Salticus Scenicus – Zebra Spider

Araneus Trifolium – Shamrock Spider

Philodromus – Running Crab Spider

Araneus Marmoreus – Marbled Orb Weaver

Ummidia – Trap-Door Spider

Xysticus Funestus – Deadly Ground Crab Spider

Herpyllus Ecclesiasticus – Eastern Parson Spider

Scytodes Thoracica – Spitting Spider

Neoscona Arabesca – Arabesque Orb Weaver

Acanthepeira Stellata – Starbellied Orb Weaver

Steatoda Grossa – False Black Widow Spider

Missing Sector Orb Weaver – Zygiella X-Notata

Verrucosa Arenata – Arrowhead Spider

Enoplognatha Ovata – Candy-Striped Spider

Steatoda borealis
Alaska spider identification
If you have found a spider in Alaska that is not on our list, head to our spider identification page. On that page, you will find a spider identification tool that might help you identify your spider. If not, no problem. Simply upload a picture of your spider on the identification page. We will try our best and find out what species you’ve got.