The Steatoda bipunctata, commonly called rabbit hutch spider is a black spider found throughout the United States. It comes from the same family as the feared black widow spiders and is often confused with them. The bite of a rabbit hutch spider is not dangerous for humans. It is from the same genus as the Steatoda triangulosa spider.

Most often, the S. bipunctata is brown and has a thin, light colored, stripe that curves around the front of the abdomen as well as running down the middle of it a short ways. The abdomen on this fellow is not always as glossy as the others.
The Rabbit Hutch Spider is also known as the False Widow because it is nearly the same size and has a similar body shape. When they are black, they are often confused with the Widow, except they do not have the tell-tale red hourglass marking on the bottom of their abdomen.

The Steatoda Bipunctata are one of the smaller Steatoda, as the females only grow to about 5/16” (8 mm). Including the legs that would be a little more than a half inch. Maybe as large as 5/8” (16 mm).
There is extremely little information available on the effects of a bite by the Steatoda bipunctata. A large reason for this is because there are so few bites by them.
The S. bipunctata is a very timid spider and only bites when it absolutely needs to. In some articles I found on-line, it is reported that they cannot penetrate the human skin. I read one article saying that it is very rare to be bitten by them but when they do it is no worse than a bee sting. One thing for sure, of the different Steatoda, the Bipunctata seems to be one of the least dangerous.

Scientific Classification of Steatoda bipunctata
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Chelicerata
- Class: Arachnida
- Order: Araneae
- Infraorder: Araneomorphae
- Family: Theridiidae
- Genus: Steatoda
- Species: Steatoda bipunctada
Distribution of the Rabbit Hutch Spider in the USA

The Steatoda bipunctata can be found throughout the United States and Canada. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Found in a garage in Farmington, CT. I believe it’s a Rabbit Hutch (False Widow) but checking with you to confirm.
Black with dark brown spots on top and a brown field on bottom. If you need more pictures, please email me. Thanks
Hello Mike,
Amazing picture! Yes, this is a rabbit hutch spider (Steatoda bipunctada
Is this a rabbit hutch??
I live in western Washington. I found a Rabbit Hutch Spider indoors. Female. She was carrying her eggs on her sides, (sorry I didn’t have a camera), they were tiny, clear, blueish -white eggs, like bubbles. Adorable. It looked like she had gotten out of a bubble bath.
Is this a match to this one?
Hello Cal, thanks for getting in touch! Yes, the body shape and the longitudinal stripe suggest that this is a female rabbit hutch spider.
Please verify that this is a rabbit hutch spider. I live in Washington, near Tacoma. It was on my bedroom wall tonight. Thank you.
Hello Linda, no, this is not a rabbit hutch spider. It appears to be some species of ground spider (Gnaphosidae). They are not medically significant.
Hello! This spider is in my bathroom and am wondering if this is this kind of spider you talk about above? We live in Montana and I thought it was a black widow but I don’t think it was so wondering if anyone here can confirm what it is?? This picture is blown up it was pretty small in a web behind my downstairs bathroom door 😱 this picture is of its was upside down hanging in its web.
Hello Marissa, this is definitely not a black widow. Female black widows are entirely black (and red). Males can be brown but with banded legs. So you were right with your assumption, this is most likely some type of false widow spider (Steatoda sp.). My guess would be Steatoda grossa rather than Steatoda bipunctada:
I found this beauty outside in an old planter in Merritt BC. I was just wondering if you could tell me what kind of spider it is? I’ve seen a lot of spiders and never have I ever seen one like this. (This is the underside)
Thanks for your help,
Found this at work? Is this a black widow?
Hello Brendan, this looks more like a closely related and not medically significant Steatoda species spider. Could you share your location (city/state) to help with a more accurate identification? It is probably Steatoda bipunctada:
Thanks for the reply. This was in Brookline, Ma. When i scared it it scrunched up into like a ball and didnt even
Look like a spider
Is this a Steatoda Bipunctata? I’m not sure, and I’ve been looking to identify it for my field journal. Found in Monrovia, California.
Hi, I found this one and was wondering if it might be a Rabbit hutch spider? Thank you.
Hi I’m in Spring Lake New Jersey and found this spider in my windowsill. Looks like some type of false widow but not sure. Thanks for your help!
Hello everyone, I woke up to a potential friend (or foe!) inside my terrarium and I’d love some help identifying it! Is this a ground spider or a bipunctata?
I found this little guy in Southington, CT. Not far at all from Farmington, CT where the 1st replier, Mike G posted from. He or she seemed to have another smaller spider nearby and it seemed as if they were walking together, possibly a baby? This website helped me easily identify it anyhow.
Is this a rabbit hutch? If not, what is this? It was in my bed under the sheets. Trying to figure out if we need to sell the house or burn it down lol
Found this guy in my basement in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 24th. Could it be a rabbit hutch spider??
Can you tell me what this is. I live in southern Maine on the coast.
July 7th, 2024
Found in a cabinet in a dusty, dirty garage SW of Portland Oregon.
Thoughts on ID?
Could not find a good match here. This is an outdoor spider from the Pacific Northwest (Seattle).
Rabbit Hutch? False Widow? It has fuzzy black “feelers” and this intricate design on the underside. Found inside in KY.