
Micrathena mitrata – White Micrathena

The spider species Micrathena mitrata, commonly called white micrathena, is an orb weaving spider. They have a large bulbous white abdomen with spines and black markings and are found throughout the Eastern United States as well as Central and South America. Description The white micrathena has a brown and small cephalothorax (head) and legs and […]

Verrucosa Arenata – Arrowhead Spider

The arrow-head spider, Verrucosa arenata, is an orb-weaver spider found throughout the United States. Its common name arrowhead spider or triangle orb weaver comes from the triangle-shaped yellow or white coloration on the spiders’ abdomen. Arrow-Shaped Orbweaver Description Verrucosa arenata are generally easy to distinguish from similar orb weavers because of their special color pattern and […]

Eratigena Atrica – Giant House Spider

As its name suggests, the giant house spider, Eratigena atrica, is one of the largest spiders found in Europe and the United States. The species is originally from Europe and was introduced to the Western United States over 100 years ago. It has now developed large populations in the Pacific Northwest and in the Great […]

Gray House Spider – Badumna Longinqua

The gray house spider, Badmuna longinqua, is a medium sized black and gray spider originally native to Australia. It has been introduced to New Zealand, South America, Europe, South Africa and the United States. Despite the reputation of Australian spiders, the grey house spider is harmless for humans and larger pets. Due to its secretive […]

Aphonopelma Eutylenum – California Ebony Tarantula

Aphonopelma eutylenum, the California ebony tarantula is a large spider that can be found in California and its surrounding states including Northwestern Mexico. Mostly, they are found in the grassy areas around the Eastern region of the San Francisco Bay Area down to San Diego. As many other spiders, the California ebony tarantula is a […]

Scytodes Thoracica – Spitting Spider

The spitting spider, scientifically called Scytodaes thoracica, is a fascinating type of hunting spider that captures and paralyzes its prey with sticky venomous silk strands that it shoots from its head. The spitting spider occurs throughout the world and can be found in every U.S. State. Spitting Spider Description The spitting spider has a very […]

Aphonopelma Hentzi – Texas Brown Tarantula

Aphonopelma hentzi, the Texas brown tarantula is one of the largest species of spiders native to the Southern United States. The large brown and furry spider lives in arid climate. Since they are a non-aggressive and docile species, they have become a popular pet spider throughout the U.S. and in other parts of the world. […]

Herpyllus Ecclesiasticus – Eastern Parson Spider

Herpyllus ecclesiasticus, The Eastern parson spider is one of the most commonly encountered hunter spiders in the United States. The largest share of its population occurs in the Eastern part of the American continent but today, the Parson spider is native in every U.S. state. Eastern Parson Spider Description Its name “Parson” is not derived […]

Xysticus Funestus – Deadly Ground Crab Spider

Even though Xysticus funestus has a dangerously-sounding common name, the deadly ground crab spider, it is of absolutely no concern for humans or pet animals. It is an orange colored crab spider that usually hunts for small insects on the forest soil. It can be found throughout North America. Running crab spider description The deadly […]

Maevia Inclemens – Dimorphic Jumper

Maevia inclemens, commonly called dimorphic jumper is a species of jumping spiders mainly found in the Eastern U.S. States and Southeastern Canada. Its common name comes from the fact that there are two types of males that differ in appearance and behavior – so-called morphs. Dimorphic Jumper Description As mentioned, the male dimorphic jumper comes […]

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