Even though Xysticus funestus has a dangerously-sounding common name, the deadly ground crab spider, it is of absolutely no concern for humans or pet animals. It is an orange colored crab spider that usually hunts for small insects on the forest soil. It can be found throughout North America.
Running crab spider description
The deadly ground crab spider is an orange spider with curved legs, giving it a crab-like appearance. Its abdomen and legs often have dark orange bumps. Another characteristic to identify crab spiders is the fact that their second pair of legs is larger than the third and fourth pair.

As most Xysticus spiders, the ground crab spider is a small spider. Females can reach a size of 0.4 inches (10 mm) of body length while males are only half their size.
As other crab spiders, the deadly ground crab spider is a hunter spider. It does not spin a web to catch prey. They mostly hunt on forest grounds, preferably in leaf litters. Especially in autumn, their body coloring is the perfect camouflage between orange colored leaf to hunt for small insects.
Despite its ferocious name, the deadly ground crab spider is harmless for humans. With its small fangs, it is mostly even impossible for them to pierce through humans skin. Furthermore, these crab spiders are shy and most likely to take off when they see any human approaching. In the rare cases where a bite occurs, it might at worst cause some pain and local swelling.
Xysticus funestus scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Chelicerata
- Class: Arachnida
- Order: Araneae
- Infraorder: Araneomorphae
- Family: Thomisidae
- Genus: Xysticus
- Species: Xysticus funestus
Common names
Deadly ground crab spider or ground crab spider.
Distribution of the deadly ground crab spider in the USA

The ground crab spider can be found almost everywhere in the United States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
This was found outside on a basketball goal in SC. I’m thinking it’s some sort of crab spider?
Hello Lynn, thanks for uploading this great shot! Yes, this is definitely some type of crab spider (Thomisiidae). Most likely of the genus Xysticus.
This spider is in my flowers. I live in wyoming
: )
Hello Per, thanks for getting in touch! This is not a crab spider but some type of orb weaver. Most likely, a shamrock spider (Araneus trifolium): https://usaspiders.com/araneus-trifolium-shamrock-spider/
I found this cool looking spider outside of my door! I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out until I googled Missouri spiders. I’m a spood hobbyist so I’m pretty embarrassed to say I could identify it. Glad I came across this site!
I found a deadly ground crab spider on the quilt I am quilting this morning. Picked it off with a Kleenex and smashed it. Thanks for this identification tool.
Why did you kill it? They aren’t deadly at all. You could have just put it outside.
you suck jean!
What kind of spider is this?
Hello Evelyn, this is a deadly ground crab spider (Xysticus funestus) – don’t worry, despite its name, this is a harmless spider. Here is more information: https://usaspiders.com/xysticus-funestus-deadly-ground-crab-spider/
Found this spider in a wooded area next to a stream in suburban St. Paul, MN. The closest to identifying it I’ve come is some sort of crab spider, but I would like to know specifically what kind it is.
Hi Heidi, yes, this is a crab spider, more specifically of the genus Xysticus – a ground crab spider. I can’t ID the exact species, as numerous species look very similar. You can learn more about it here: https://usaspiders.com/xysticus-funestus-deadly-ground-crab-spider/
These two look like ground crab spiders to me, am I right? And could this be a male and female pair? Super cool.
What is this? Caught it in a tree in my front yard. Looks like a crab spider maybe? It’s a big spider for the area I live in though.
I think this is some kind of crab spider, but the oddly shaped abdomen throws me. Can you identify? This photo is from Northern California.
Hey my name is adam young i found this spider onto of my fish tank I am from clarenville newfoundland Canada and I think it is a ground crab spider.can you confirm that it is in fact that or is it something g else..
Found this creature (lass or lad) hanging out on my stove…. gross.
This little guy actually had bit me and paid the ultimate price. Sorry that he is harmless but I’ll tell that to my belly where he bit me. He is swimming for it now.
This came in my kitchen; Crawling on my wall. Cute and terrifying at the same time. I remembered it resembling a crab.
Found in Maine, thanks for helping us identify it and let it go!
Found this guy in my house. Looks like a match to me.
Hey I was sitting on my bed and this spider Literally starting chasing me, and we had to kill it
Hey I was sitting on my bed and this spider Literally started chasing me and we had to kill it. We think it also bit my brother