
Olios Giganteus – Giant Crab Spider

Olios Giganteus, the giant crab spider, belongs to the family of Sparassidae spiders, which are commonly called huntsman spiders. As other crab spiders, they have curved legs which gives them a crab-like appearance. However, the giant crab spider can reach a leg span of up to 6 inches (15 cm) – making them much larger than […]

Eratigena Agrestis – Hobo Spider

Eratigena agrestis, commonly know as the hobo spider, is a funnel web spider that can be found in the Pacific Northwest. In the 90ies, the hobo spider has been listed as a medically important species. However, over the last 30 years, no actual evidence has been found that the spider is actually dangerous for humans. […]

Kukulcania Hibernalis – Southern House Spider

Kukulcania hibernalis, the Southern House Spider is a large brown spider that can be found throughout the Southern United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Southern House Spider Description The southern house spider has a dark brown body and legs. Due to its size and coloration, the southern house spider is often mistaken […]

Dysdera Crocata – Woodlouse Spider

As the name suggests, the Dysdera crocata, or commonly called woodlouse spider, primarily preys on woodlice. The spider can be found all around the world. In the United States, it is mostly seen in the states along the East Coast until Wisconsin and the Mississippi River. Signification populations also exist on the West Coast from […]

Menemerus Bivittatus – Gray Wall Jumper

Menemerus bivittatus, commonly called the gray wall jumper or the gray jumping spider, is a jumping spider that can be found in hot and tropical regions around the world and in the South of the United States. Gray Wall Jumper Description As its name suggests, the gray wall jumper has a gray body color. It […]

Araneus Gemmoides – Cat-Faced Spider or Jewel Spider

The Araneus Gemmoides is an orb weaver species that occurs in the Western United States. It is also known under the common names cat-faced spider or jewel spider. Both common names reflect the special traits of the body of Araneus gemmoides. The abdomen is large and if seen from the front, cat-faced. Others consider the […]

Araneus diadematus – The European Garden Spider

Araneus diadematus, also called the European garden spider or the cross spider is an orb weaver spider with an iconic white cross on its body. It is found in every US state and across Europe. The European garden spider is one of the more interesting spiders to watch. It will come out at around dusk […]

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