The tropical orb weaver, Eriophora ravilla, is a harmless orb weaver spider found throughout the tropical areas of the Americas from Florida along the Guld Coast, throughout Central America, the Caribbean Islands and Northern South America.
Tropical Orbweaver Description
The tropical orb weaver can come in a variety of colors and is therefore often hard to identify. It often comes in dull brown colors without any specific markings, and is therefore often confused with the spotted orb weaver (Neoscona crucifera).
Most sightings are of female specimens, hanging head down inside their large, orb-shaped webs. The female has a large round abdomen and the entire body is covered with thin spines (hairs).
Certain color variations that commonly appear can make some tropical orb weavers easy to identify.
They can have a rectangular or diamond-shaped yellow, cream or green colored patch on the back of their abdomen.

Other specimen have a clearly distinguished asymmetrical and longitudinal white stripe or pattern.

Others have very strong orange and green or yellow colors with peculiar large black dots on the back of the abdomen.
The tropical orb weaver is a large orb weaver spider. Female specimen can reach a total body length of up to 1 inch (25 mm). Smaller specimen are around half that size. Males are generally smaller than females, reaching a maximum body size of 0.5 inches (13 mm) and have a much smaller abdomen.
The tropical orb weaver usually spends daytime hidden away in curled up leaves or other hideouts. Once the sun starts to set, it emerges and builds a large, orb shaped web between trees, plants or human structures. The spider usually spends the night in the center of the web. As soon as a prey animal flies into the sticky web, the spider can feel the vibrations and immediately rushes to the prey and immobilizes it with a bite before wrapping it up in silk.
As all other orb weaver spiders, the tropical orb weaver is harmless for humans and larger pets. The spider’s venom is targeted at small flying insects. In the rare cases where humans or pets are bitten, symptoms range from minor localized pain to swellings. However, it is still recommended to disinfect any bite wound properly to avoid infections. If you feel unwell after a spider bite, consult a medical professional as allergic reactions or misidentifications of spiders can occur.
Eriophora ravilla scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Chelicerata
- Class: Arachnida
- Order: Araneae
- Infraorder: Araneomorphae
- Family: Araneidae
- Genus: Eriophora
- Species: Eriophora ravilla
Geographic Range of the tropical orb weaver in the United States
In the United States, the tropical orb weaver occurs mostly in Florida. Populations can also be found in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and California.
- Taxon details: World Spider Catalogue
- Binominal name from: Koch, 1867
- Levi HW. 1970. The Ravilla group of the orb weaver genus Eriophora in North America (Araneae: Araneidae). Psyche 77: 280-302.
Found in center of web facing down on front porch between columns, about and inch long.
Male tropical orb weaver
Wow! Awesome shot! Thanks for uploading it here!
Underside of a male tropical orb weaver
The spider was asleep, I decided not to wake it. It is really hairy.
Hello Olivia, thanks for getting in touch! This is a female tropical orb weaver (Eriophora ravilla):
They can come in a range of colors and patterns. Here is a similar-looking one:
It’s not a medically significant spider and great to have around for pest control reasons. They spin orb shaped webs to catch flying insects.
She’s buildig on my back porch. Fun to watch. About 3/4+ of an inch.
Hello Phillip, thanks for getting in touch! This is not a tropical orbweaver as those have a different ventral pattern. Is most likely a spotted orbweaver (Neoscona crucifera):
Found in the day time above back door where we have a light on all night long. It is atleast an inch long.
September 18,2021
Houston, Texas
Brown spider with a very detailed web.
Hello Nancy, thanks for uploading this great shot! This looks like a tropical orbweaver (Eriophora ravilla):
Orb weaver Tallahassee, FL-the web will be gone in the morning
This intimidating looking beauty set up camp right outside of my lanai. She was only there 1 night much to my disappointment. I think I may have made her feel unsafe with my nosiness. I figured she was an orbweaver of some sort. I am still a little sad she hasn’t come back. I have a planter that is shaped like a snail shell and I had a brown widow living there for a while. She was huge and formidable looking looking. I cohabitated w her for about a month or so as I was in a quandary about dispatching her because I have critters around. I finally made up my mind to do it and tried a couple of home solutions to do her in and it came to the point where she would see my flashlight and she would dart back into the shell. I eventually hit her with some orange oil which was an immediate knock down and kill. I still regret doing it but I felt like it was the right thing to do because of my cats and my dog. I thought about relocating her but I just didn’t know. I respectfully buried her in my planter.
This is a pic of her underside
I believe I most certainly have a female tropical orb spider in my backyard in Florida. She is close to a little over an inch (photograph makes her appear smaller). She lives in a lime tree during the day and then spins these gorgeous, complex webs each night and has them taken down before morning. I have videoed her every night and photographed her. I would love some confirmation so that I can learn more about her.
Southwest Louisiana
6ft-7ft off the ground behind shed
I may have another angle on my phone. Or if i see it again, should i try and get a better picture of legs? eyes? markings?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Patrick, this is a tropical orbweaver (Eriophora sp.):
What spider is this
Hi Mike, this is a tropical orbweaver, Eriophora ravilla:
Found in Conroe, Texas on the sidewalk near my front yard garden. I forgot to put the spider location on my first submission.
Hi Laura, this is a tropical orbweaver (Eriophora ravilla):
Found on my patio. I live in Beaumont Tx. Never seen one like this one. Was kind of scared. Any information is appreciated.
Hi Janice, this is a tropical orb weaver:
Found near Baton Rouge La.
Hi Pete, this is an orbweaver spider (family Araneidae), most likely a tropical orbweaver:
Hello, I found this little guy in a building permit box. It’s the first time I can recall seeing one of these little cuties. I’ve tried to identify it, but most of what I find refers me to the Cat Faced Spiders. From what I understand those are in the western part of the USA. This spider was found in Ocala, Florida. I was able to get it to the freedom of a tree. I’m just wondering what species it is, and if I might come across more fuzzy friends one day! Thanks!
Hi Charlotte, this is a tropical orbweaver (Eriophora ravilla):
They come in a range of colors and patterns.
Found in Texas
Hi Matt, this is a tropical orb weaver (Eriophora ravilla):
Touched this while attempting to open my mailbox and felt it. Sorry couldn’t get a better picture, I’m super afraid of spiders.
Located in Port Charlotte, FL. Thanks in advance!!
Hi Kate, this is a tropical orb weaver (Eriophora ravilla):
In Houston, TX, I saw this spider at night in about an 6 foot diameter web actively wrapping insects and weaving…very quick. Next morning, web gone but he was still in same bush.
Hi AI, this is a tropical orb weaver (Eriophora ravilla):
Four of these tropical orb weavers are making huge webs tonight over my driveway. Wife just walked into one walking the dog. We will have to leave the state immediately! Size: Shelob. Appetite: hungry. Web-building-speed: moving about one foot a second. Fear level: Blair Witch. -KM