
Philodromus – Running Crab Spider

Philodromus, commonly called running crab spider, is a genus of crab spiders. Various species can be found throughout the entire Northern Hemisphere and the United States. Running crab spider description The Running Crab spider is usually a brown or a gray color with very little markings if any. The second pair of legs on the […]

Salticus Scenicus – Zebra Spider

Salticus scenicus, the zebra spider, is a jumping spider that can be found in the entire Northern Hemisphere. As its common name suggests, the zebra spider can be identified by its black and white colored abdomen. Description of the zebra spider Zebra spiders are black with sections of tiny white hairs giving them the look […]

Cheiracanthium Mildei – Northern Yellow Sac Spider

Cheiracanthium mildei, the northern yellow sac spider is one of the most common spiders in Northeastern America. However, it can be found throughout the entire USA. The yellow sac spider can be identified by its greenish, yellowish color. During the daytime these spiders often hide in a small blanket of web under leaves and wood, […]

Lycosidae – Wolf Spider

The Lycosidae, commonly called wolf spiders are a family of hunter spiders found throughout the United States and the rest of the world. There are many species of the Wolf Spider in North America, many of which look very similar. Twice in the past I asked an entomologist (both times were different entomologists) to help […]

Loxosceles reclusa – Brown Recluse

The brown recluse, loxosceles reclusa, is one of the more dangerous spiders indigenous in the United States. While usually not life-threatening, a brown recluse bite might lead to severe skin damage. This page gives an overview of how to identify a brown recluse and in which states in the US it appears. Brown Recluse Description […]

Dysdera Crocata – Woodlouse Spider

As the name suggests, the Dysdera crocata, or commonly called woodlouse spider, primarily preys on woodlice. The spider can be found all around the world. In the United States, it is mostly seen in the states along the East Coast until Wisconsin and the Mississippi River. Signification populations also exist on the West Coast from […]

Castianeira Descripta – Red-Spotted Ant Mimic Spider

Castianeira descripta, more commonly know as the red-spotted ant mimic spider gets its common name from the similar look and behavior to ants. It mimics the behavior of ants to get close enough to them for an attack. Red-Spotted Ant Mimic Spider Description The Red Spotted Ant Mimic Spider is a hunter spider. That means […]

Leucauge venusta – Orchard Spider

Leucauge venusta, commonly called orchard spider is an orb weaver spider that can be found in the Eastern US states, Canada and Central America. Unlike many other orb weavers, the orchard spider is a very colorful spider. Orchard spider description The abdomen is elongated and is silvery or white with colored markings. Those markings can […]


The Pachygnatha is technically part of the Orb Weaver family. However, it does not spin a web and is a wandering hunter in the likes of the Wolf Spider. I cannot help but to think of this as the oxymoron of the spider world. Pachygnatha Description The spiders of the pachygnatha genus have a very […]

Pisaurina Mira – American Nursery Web Spider

Piraurina Mira, commonly called nursery web spider, is a brown spider species with long legs. They are endemic to the Eastern USA. American nursery web spiders are often confused with wolf spiders or fishing spiders. The best way to identify Nursery Web Spiders from their lookalikes is by examining their eye patterns. If you are […]

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